Monday, January 7, 2013

10 things about me

 Like a pug , friendly but not a good idea to mess around with . 
 Like a blank paper, ready to learn and experience new things.

 Like the wind, my mood is affected by the surrounding and changes easily.
 Like a short film, I enjoy creating stories.
Like an alarm clock, always punctual. 

 Like a bicycle, I'm a simple person.

Like suspenders, I support my friends from falling 

Like a shield, I protect what's important to me 

Like clouds, I am very random. 

Like cookie monster, I eat..........a lot...

Monday, January 24, 2011

Traffic Jams

Hey guys ,

Today I want to talk about why do we Malaysians have so much trouble in traffic jams. Do you know why among this whole world why do we Malaysians have the worst traffic in the world ? The answer to it is that because most of our Malaysians drivers will never give chances to the other driver that is coming out from another direction or from the car park.

This is what I wanted to touch on about. You see we Malaysians are sort of like a tough competitor that are always unwilling to give way to those that have already been in the lane .Malaysians drivers can actually be a very nice and kind driver. All you have to do is follow this few steps :
i) Always put on your signals before you turn so that the driver behind and in front can see that you are turning in.
ii)If you see some one coming out from a car park or other parking bays , remember to give way before you make your move .
iii)Only honk at the drivers that are really an idiot who is blocking your way and other peoples way.

Follow these few steps and there won't be another traffic jam in Malaysia.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Second time of bowling

Hey guys ,

Just to express what I felt today about bowling, and by the way bowling is a game in my school so it's like a sort of like co-curiculum thingy. Well I remember the first time I played was last year in December in Ipoh with my cousin and his friends. So this was like my second time and it really went well. So today we have 3 groups  and each groups have 2 games . In my first game I finally get a strike and was so happy that after a long time of playing I finally get to strike for the very first time. Then the second one was when I start the game and there goes boom , STRIKE !!!!!! and I was like OMG the second time of my life getting another strike in just the second game. Yeah there was also a spare for my first time. This is just something I would like to share with you guys about my day and how interesting it was after I discover how to bowl. Well obviously I would have to thank my cousin and his pals for teaching on how to play. I love you guys .......

Friday, December 24, 2010

Tang Yuan (汤团)

Hey guys

Recently I had some awesome time with my family. You know why ? cause we celebrated the tang yuan festival together , ain't that awesome! To those who isn't chinese I will explain roughly what is the Tang Yuan.

Tang Yuan is a chinese food made from glutinous rice flour. Then the glutinous rice is mixed with a small amount of water to form a ball shape and is cooked and served with boiling water.They are traditionally eaten during the  Lantern Festival .

Bottom pic : Tang Yuan