Friday, January 7, 2011

Second time of bowling

Hey guys ,

Just to express what I felt today about bowling, and by the way bowling is a game in my school so it's like a sort of like co-curiculum thingy. Well I remember the first time I played was last year in December in Ipoh with my cousin and his friends. So this was like my second time and it really went well. So today we have 3 groups  and each groups have 2 games . In my first game I finally get a strike and was so happy that after a long time of playing I finally get to strike for the very first time. Then the second one was when I start the game and there goes boom , STRIKE !!!!!! and I was like OMG the second time of my life getting another strike in just the second game. Yeah there was also a spare for my first time. This is just something I would like to share with you guys about my day and how interesting it was after I discover how to bowl. Well obviously I would have to thank my cousin and his pals for teaching on how to play. I love you guys .......

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